Camping Kitchen Chuck Box Plans

Free woodworking plans to build a portable kitchen you can take camping.

About the TBS Chuck Box

A Chuck Box, also known as a Camp Kitchen or in the Boy Scouts as a Patrol Box is a cabinet that is used to hold and transport your camping cooking equipment to and from your campsite as well as to serve as a cooking station. So far I've just been using a large tote but everything needs to fit in the tote a certain way for it to fit but it usually means I have to take everything out to get the stove out and that was very inconvenient and wasted a lot of time I could have spent in the hammock instead!
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Camp Kitchen Equipment

What equipment I use in my Chuck Box.

I'm very happy with how my chuck box turned out. I designed it mostly around my existing camp cooking gear but I also picked up a few new things that would fit inside and provide me with the comforts of home while out camping. In this post I'll go over the items I use and show in the video and where you can get them.

There are also some things I'd like add. If you're looking for a way to say thanks for the information and the plans you can pick something up from my Chuck Box Amazon Wish List.

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Crescent Moon Crystal Display Shelf Plans

Free woodworking plans to build a Crescent Moon shaped shelf to display Crystal Healing Wands.

I let a friend of mine for Christmas. She's into a bunch of things I don't know much about healing and crystals and stuff. She send me a link to a picture of crescent moon shaped display shelf for crystals. It looked really nice but only limited amounts are hand made and I guess they went fast because I couldn't order one. The reasonable option was to make one myself.  Below you'll find plans and a video to make one too if you want.
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