Showing posts with label WIring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIring. Show all posts

How To Test And Locate Coax Cables

My Residential Structured Wiring Project is coming along nicely but I haven't posted much in a while. I made a video showing how I test and locate/identify the coaxial cables I'm running for video...
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How to Wire a 4 Line Bridge with a 66 Block

Instructions on how to wire a 66 block with as a 4 line bridge for 11 telephone ports. This is a common way to wire residential and small business telephone wires. There are a number of different...
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Hyperikon Ballast Compatible LED Tubes Review

As I mentioned in a previous post I've been working on switching a lot of my lights to LEDs. For standard screw in bulbs it's been very simple. If you have any fluorescent tubes, switching to LEDs...
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How To Wire A 66 Block

A 66 wiring block is an older but still widely used style telephone distribution panel. It is used to distribute incoming phone lines to all the phone jacks in your home. It may seem a bit confusing...
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X16 Small Business Phone 110 Wiring Diagram

The X16 small business phone system can be wired in various ways. In this guide I'll show you one example of how to wire the X16 system with 4 pair twisted pair cabling in a 110 wiring block...
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Deciphering A Structured Wiring System

If you purchase a newer home (or office) that already has structured wiring installed it's important to figure out how it works and where all those wires go. In this article I'll provide some tips...
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Organizing Phone Lines In An Old Home

These days most new construction has well laid out voice, data and video lines but in older homes things can be a bit messy. I recently worked on a small phone project and thought I'd share some tips. I've...
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