Showing posts with label Outdoor Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outdoor Projects. Show all posts

Camping Kitchen Chuck Box Plans

Free woodworking plans to build a portable kitchen you can take camping. About the TBS Chuck Box A Chuck Box, also known as a Camp Kitchen or in the Boy Scouts as a Patrol Box is a cabinet...
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Camp Kitchen Equipment

What equipment I use in my Chuck Box. I'm very happy with how my chuck box turned out. I designed it mostly around my existing camp cooking gear but I also picked up a few new things that would...
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Lil Bit of Everything Garden Shed Plans

Free woodworking plans to build the Lil Bit of Everything Shed. A shed that packs a lot of storage and usefulness into a small 6' 6" x 4' space. Ideal for small backyards. Lawn mower, snow blower and...
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Temporary DIY Cold Frame Plans

Free woodworking plans to build DIY Cold Frames. The cold frames are easy to take apart so you can put them away when you're not using them. Great idea if you have limited growing space and want to...
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