Kreg-Mini Cheat Sheet

I use my Kreg-Min Pocket Hole Jig quite often but I always forget the settings for different wood thicknesses so I made this little table to look up whenever I'm using my Kreg Mini. There are...
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Attic Storage Shelf Plans

Free woodworking plans to build 2-tier attic shelving system. I was browsing online for something unrelated for my attic when I came across this AtticMaxx Shelving System. It's a pretty ingenious...
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Cost of GreenFiber Vs Atticat Blown In Insulation

The recent cold snaps here in the Northeast got me thinking of adding insulation to my walls and attic. Most of it would need to be blown in and there are two options available through the big box...
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How To Wire A 66 Block

A 66 wiring block is an older but still widely used style telephone distribution panel. It is used to distribute incoming phone lines to all the phone jacks in your home. It may seem a bit confusing...
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Bad Dishwasher Smell Keeps Coming Back? Try This!

For over a year I was battling with a terrible smell coming from a dishwasher that didn't get much use. I'd try something new to clean it and the smell would go away for a while but would always return....
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Tom Builds A New Web Design

Tom Builds Stuff get's a face lift. The new design should hopefully make it easier to read plans and view images. The site works better on mobile devices too including tablets and even televisions....
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Choosing Daylight or Warm Color Bulbs

These days when it comes to energy efficient lighting there are a lot of choices. One of those choices is the color temperature of the light. No longer are we stuck with orange for incandescent, green...
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X16 Small Business Phone 110 Wiring Diagram

The X16 small business phone system can be wired in various ways. In this guide I'll show you one example of how to wire the X16 system with 4 pair twisted pair cabling in a 110 wiring block...
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How to Wire A 110 Block Telephone Connector

110 wiring blocks are commonly used for distributing telephone lines in homes and offices. If your home was built after 1990 there's a good chance you have a 110 block connecting your telephone jacks...
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Office Organization: What You Need To Know

A disorganized office can hurt your productivity and cause you to miss opportunities and waste time. Lots of people tell you what to buy or how to make things look cute. Today I'm going to discuss...
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