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I've received a few emails concerning issues some of had with the site's layout. This one was the funniest.
Subject: Social media kiddy box
You have a nice site with lots of good information, but, please - kill this stupid immensely annoying bandwidth stealing social media follower box. Tell your coder to stop with the juvenile, scrolling, flashy tweener stuff. This is a site for people old enough to operate power tools unsupervised. The follower box's jerky delayed attempt to stay on page during scrolling is hugely irritating. Makes one desire not to be on this site.
Well, you'll be happy to know that the kiddy box is gone :) It took a while since I don't have a coder I have to make these changes myself when I have the time.
There are still a few little tweaks I need to make but so far I'm happy with it. If anyone sees any issues with the new site design please let me know.
Yes, the page does work better without the "juvenile, scrolling, flashy tweener stuff"! I still laugh out loud at that comment, every time I read it!